Sunday, December 11, 2005

Indian Kitchen - Traditional Coffee Filter / Modern Coffee Maker

The magnificent aroma of hot and freshly brewed coffee will hover over most S.Indian homes and a traditional coffee filter is essential to prepare it.Brewing coffee is an art and one masters with practice and its according to one's taste...some like it light/strong/black.To get that perfect decoction its a ritual that most women follow every day.

The brass coffee filter in the picture is an antique one used by my grandmother and is more than 70 years old..Yes,its an antique piece and is very precious to me..:)

A coffee filter is a two portion steel/brass container.The lower portion is for the collection of the brew that percolates down and the upper part for pouring boiled water and ground coffee beans and a filter is placed within the upper portion.The brew that percolates down can be strong or light depending on the amount of ground coffee added to the filter.

Generally the coffee powder used is Chicory and Pure.We use prefer to use the pure one as its got an authentic and aromatic flavour.I pick up my coffee powder at the local coffee bean seller who grinds the coffee beans in my presence and is absolutely fresh.

Of course,today the traditional coffee filters have given way to the modern electronic coffee makers by reputed brands and are very useful too.We also use the modern coffee maker in our kitchen.We,andhras,love our it filter coffee or instant coffee..:)

I have been inspired by Indira of Mahanandi to start the Indian Kitchen series.Thanks,Indira for bringing forth this idea to showcase our Indian Kitchens / Utensils to the rest of the world.

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